Facebook ad comments auto hide

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Some had very strong opinions.īut as brand pages on Facebook, Instagram, and other social media channels grew – and social media became an integral part of marketing, with barely anyone questioning it ­– things have definitely changed. Back then, many frowned upon the idea of automating what’s supposed to be free-flowing, organic conversations.

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I’m old enough to remember when marketers only started using social media. Think of it as your Facebook autoresponder – the automated replies you use to respond to comments left by your customers and prospects (but also sometimes your competitors or fake accounts).Īnd to answer the question in the heading. Nevertheless, our automated solution works for both comments and messages on Messenger. What I will talk about in this post is automatically replying to comments on Facebook posts – both organic and sponsored ones (FB ads).

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Wait, is using automated replies to Facebook comments even a good idea?įor the record, I’m not talking about social media bots and auto-replies on Facebook Messenger (read more about these here).

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